Running tip for well-endowed women

I like to run. I love the way it clears my mind, allows me to focus, and is getting me into a better shape (round is a shape but not my preferred one). Of course, when I run I have to don some serious top wear to hold down the twins lest I come home with black eyes. This, and the overall effect of running, creates a situation that drives me crazy – sweat running down in between my boobs. I can not stand the trickling feeling, or the feeling of it pooling underneath them. UGH!!!

So, one day while getting ready to go out for a run in sweltering 95 degree temperatures, I tried something out of sheer frustration. I took a wrist sweatband and crammed it between my boobs. I then went out on an almost 3-mile run to see how well it was going to work. Guess what? NOT A DROP!!! The sweatband absorbed everything before I ever felt it – no trickling, no pooling, NOTHING…well, nothing except a very wet sweatband. I don’t care, though, it worked!!! I can now run without drowning the twins! YAY!!!

I know some of you are probably rolling your eyes and going “Really?”, and some of you are probably saying, “I can’t believe someone would actually post this!”, but if you’re a well-endowed woman who likes to run and who can’t stand the feel of sweat trickling down, then this tip might be beneficial to you. Hope it helps.

Happy running and stay safe out there!

Invisible from the outside…..

while being super functional (and absorbent) on the inside!!