Independence Penalties

All over the world there are four seasons – spring, summer, autumn, and winter. However, in America, there is yet another season… season.

Once New Year’s is behind us, Americans everywhere start watching the mail for tax documents and begin stressing over filing their income taxes with the federal government. If you’re lucky, you live in a state that doesn’t have state taxes included on top of federal taxes.

This will be the first time that I’ve filed taxes as a homeschooling parent. I was researching today whether there are any deductions, credits, or other tax benefits to help offset the major expenses associated with homeschooling three children. Much to my utter amazement, there was nothing. Oh, there were credits….for teachers who paid for classroom expenses out of their pockets, for people who were continuing their education, but nothing for homeschoolers. In fact, the IRS specifically listed homeschoolers as NOT eligible to take advantage of any of the established education credits. Wow! So, basically, with the mandatory taxes that I pay to the public education system and then the expenses for the homeschool supplies, I’m paying twice for my kids’ educations. Doesn’t seem fair if you ask me. I agree that education is important and that public schools shouldn’t have to suffer just because I choose not to use it for my kids, but don’t they get enough money in federal funds and grants? In Florida, the state lottery funds are supposed to benefit public schools. Where is all of that money?

Don’t get me started on getting my money’s worth either. If I were a consumer and had the option of firing the public education system for poor service I would – and demand a full refund. Instead, I’m paying twice for taking responsibility for my kids’ education. I’m being self-reliant, independent of the government, and I’m being penalized for it. It got me to thinking….what other penalties do we pay for being self-reliant and independent? What things could we do for ourselves that the government has opted to regulate, supposedly for our benefit?

Many people still prefer to hunt for their own food. Has the government penalized that? Yep! Each year you have to get a license to be able to hunt or fish. There’s an independence penalty.

Some people who still live in rural areas depend on crafting and trading for their living. Has the government impacted that? Yep! You have to have a license or permit to grow anything, build anything, or sell anything. There’s another independence penalty.

What about doing your own home repairs or building? Yep, the government is ALL over that one. Between building permits, inspections, and zoning restrictions, it’s not worth it to do anything construction-related for yourself.

Okay, keeping it simple, what about growing your own food, keeping chickens for eggs, or farmstock for the sole purpose of feeding your family? Yep, the government is all over that too. You have to have a permit to have farm animals and in many places you have to have a permit to simply grow a garden!

The government has spent decades shaping the American people into the lovely little herd of sheep that we’ve become. The politicians want us dependent on the system, so much so that when we try to be independent we are penalized for it or downright forbidden from doing it. Why? Because if enough people were independent the politicians wouldn’t have a career to draw their 6-figure incomes from.

It seems backwards somehow. People should be penalized for being dependent on the system, not rewarded for it. And people like me – and the millions of other homeschoolers – shouldn’t have to pay twice for trying to be independent.

Independence penalties. Welcome to the United but Dependent States of America.

We need to unite once again

Two days ago I read an article that made my blood run cold….for about 2 seconds and then it started to boil. Sen. Mark Kirk, R-Ill. and Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman have both made claims that the obama (not capitalized intentionally, thank you very much) administration is sending illegal alien children to their states without their knowledge and consent. Furthermore, when discovered, the elected officials inquired about the children and the federal government refused to tell them the names and locations of these children.

Folks, that’s a game changer right there. When you have a federal government that is using state resources without the consent or knowledge of the state, and then refuses to include the state in the activity once it’s discovered, you are officially living in a socialist country. When the federal government bypasses the people’s elected representatives then the people no longer have a voice and the federal government is running the show according to their will, not the people’s. This is what we’re dealing with.

And this is what needs to happen….

Contrary to what everyone is saying, that the states all need to secede and become independent, I think this country needs to unite. The states need to band together through the power of their elected officials and seal their own borders…..against the feds. The federal government has evolved into an independent entity. It is no longer acting on behalf of the people….it is no longer the voice of the people and the will of the people. No. The federal government has evolved into a corrupt entity that has hijacked our tax dollars, trespassed into the People’s House, and is threatening the safety and sanctity of our great nation. It acts independently of any other entity, creating it’s own laws and circumventing any restrictions that we attempt to apply to it. Benghazi? The survivors (aka witnesses) don’t want to speak about it….because I’ve threatened them if they do. IRS scandal? Oh, sorry, hard drive crashed. Gun-rights restrictions? I give up, you can keep your guns, but Operation Choke Point will put your firearm product suppliers out of business. Obamacare? You can keep your insurance if you want to, but I’m going to make it so expensive that you won’t be able to. And these are just a few of the verified, confirmed scandals facing the federal government.

The states united before against tyranny….they need to do it again. The first step, though, is closing our borders to those that would undermine our safety – and I don’t mean our national borders. I’ve started a petition demanding (yes, demanding) that the States’ Governors close their borders to federal vehicles transporting illegal aliens. The feds have many of our representatives in its pocket, and we need to get back into the people’s corner. We can do this in 2 different ways: 1)make sure they know that they have our support in standing against the feds, and 2)elect OUT the ones who won’t work with us and bring in the ones who will. Plain and simple.

So….that rant being made…..sign the petition, forward the petition, share the petition, and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND COUNTRY get out and VOTE this November for someone who is FOR THE PEOPLE.

Petition to Governors – Close your state’s borders to the feds

Time for a little peaceful revolution……..

My dad always said if you didn’t like something then either fix it or shut up complaining about it. Unfortunately, I can’t just “fix” our government – believe me, I wish I could.

However, WE the PEOPLE do have tools that we can use to remind the politicians who pays their paychecks. I’m suggesting we utilize one of the best methods of getting Big Brother’s attention….a strike. Please check out the FB group 9/11 Liberty Strike and join the revolution!

9/11 Liberty Strike FB Group 

Difference between “immigrate” and “invade”…..

Let’s take a look at immigration….


verb \ˈi-mə-ˌgrāt\

: to come to a country to live there;

intransitive verb
:  to enter and usually become established (see definition below); especially :  to come into a country of which one is not a native for permanent residence
Established……what does that mean?

verb \i-ˈsta-blish\

: to cause (someone or something) to be widely known and accepted

: to put (someone or something) in a position, role, etc., that will last for a long time

: to begin or create (something that is meant to last for a long time)


Oh, I see… to immigrate it is to move to a new country and be accepted by them, like getting permission to enter. I get it.

Now, let’s look at this word:


verb \in-ˈvād\

: to enter (a place, such as a foreign country) in order to take control by military force

: to enter (a place) in large numbers

: to enter or be in (a place where you are not wanted)

By these very definitions, our country is being invaded and our government is doing NOTHING! Call your representatives, send emails, and – if necessary – be prepared to defend our borders. Contact your local Oathkeepers, 2 Million Bikers to DC, Overpasses for America, or other liberty-defending group and find out how you can become involved.

Remember, amnesty is for people who follow the law. Illegal immigrants are trespassing and breaking the law. One is a future citizen, the other is a criminal. NO AMNESTY FOR ILLEGALS!

One step away from “the draft”: Our nation’s young men are still at risk

It’s the start of summer and, all over the country, families are sending their newly graduated youngsters into the world. It’s a time of great celebration. If only parents knew.

I have two teenage kids. A month ago one of their friends lost his only parent, leaving him with no close relatives to help him. His mother had been sick with cancer for a while and I quickly discovered that she had not been able to teach him the independent living skills that most kids his age possess. For example, he doesn’t know how to balance a checkbook or fill out an application. Yesterday I sat down with him to help him fill out his FAFSA (that application you have to turn in to get financial aid for college). About half an hour after he started his FAFSA, he called me over to the computer. “Mrs. V., what is Selective Service?” I told him I didn’t know but to give me a minute and I’d find out. I couldn’t believe the results of my Google search. First, a little history lesson….

President Richard Nixon is most commonly remembered for his role in the Watergate scandal, as well as for his resignation to avoid impeachment. Despite the negativity surrounding his presidency, he did do one thing that the American people should be grateful for – he eliminated the draft and made military service strictly voluntary. By 1975 all elements of the draft had been done away with, including the requirement for young men to register when they turned 18. America’s young men could breathe a sigh of relief and relax……but not for long.

In 1980, fueled by concerns over the Soviet’s invasion of Afghanistan, then President Jimmy Carter re-instituted registration of young men under the Military Selective Service Act. Registration goes on today and my question is – does the general public know that their young men are one step away from being drafted, even though the government supposedly eliminated the draft?

According to the Selective Service website (, every male between the ages of 18 and 26 years of age must register unless they are incarcerated or institutionalized for medical or psychiatric reasons. Even “undocumented immigrants” and men who have undergone sex-change surgery to become a woman have to register. No exceptions. Even men who are legally disabled are required to register if they are within the age group and not in a residential facility. Even if it violates your religious beliefs, you have to register (they call these “conscientious objectors”).

I thought, okay, simple enough……I’ll tell him to skip this part, not to register, and keep filling out the FAFSA.  IT WOULDN’T LET HIM! In order to file a FAFSA for financial aid, you have to register. Furthermore, many states have enacted legislation so that you can’t get a driver’s license without registering. There is no way around it unless you have enough money to pay for your own college and have a chauffeur.  Oh, yeah, and rich enough to pay the fine and post bail. According to the SSA website:

Registration is the law. A man who fails to register may, if prosecuted and convicted, face a fine of up to $250,000 and/or a prison term of up to five years.”

Really? What. the. hell?!?!?!

Now, here’s where a lot of people say that it’s no big deal….there’s no draft anymore and this doesn’t mean anything. Okay….if it didn’t mean anything, then why is it punishable by prison sentence for non-compliance? No, this is the government telling the public “don’t worry, we won’t reinstate the draft” while continuing the drafting process. All the president has to do is get Congress’ permission to reinstate and the lotteries begin. Considering Obama’s track record of working with Congress, I wouldn’t be surprised if he bypassed Congress altogether and simply used his “pen and phone” to start the process.  The only way to truly safeguard our young men is to do away with the Selective Service, thereby guaranteeing that an irresponsible government will have a more difficult time shipping America’s men into another Vietnam.

I mean, seriously, if a war begins that is righteous the government will not need to institute a draft. Enough people will step up to defend our national interests – especially if there is an immediate threat to home turf.  If the war is not just enough for the people to get behind it, then we probably shouldn’t be getting into it in the first place. Right?

The Selective Service Act is nothing more than the draft on hold, and I believe it’s critical that we get this act repealed as soon as possible. Please contact your representatives and tell them to repeal the SSA. For the sake of all of our young men.






No, you do NOT have to sign up for Obamacare or pay a penalty if you don’t have insurance.

I’ve been seeing these posts all over Facebook claiming that there is a government document that claims you don’t have to sign up for any federal health insurance program. I’ll be honest….I thought it was a hoax. After seeing yet another post on my FB wall this morning, I decided to put this thing to rest once and for all, so I set out to disprove this mythical claim of government exemption. Boy but was I in for a shocker.

I started out by “Googling” the specific US Code that was supposed to be the golden ticket out of mandated health care. U.S. Code Title 42, Chapter 157, Subsection 18115. I thought for sure I was going to find that someone had twisted the verbiage or taken a quote out of context. Nope. This is what I found on the U.S. government’s Printing Office website:

§18115. Freedom not to participate in Federal health insurance programs

No individual, company, business, nonprofit entity, or health insurance issuer offering group or individual health insurance coverage shall be required to participate in any Federal health insurance program created under this Act (or any amendments made by this Act), or in any Federal health insurance program expanded by this Act (or any such amendments), and there shall be no penalty or fine imposed upon any such issuer for choosing not to participate in such programs.

(Pub. L. 111–148, title I, §1555, Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 260.)

References in Text

This Act, referred to in text, is Pub. L. 111–148, Mar. 23, 2010, 124 Stat. 119, known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 18001 of this title and Tables.


I posted this to give the American people something that the current administration has implied they did not have – a choice. Please help spread the word so that more people know they have a choice.

Putting the Nation in therapy….first session.

After an evening and morning of simmering over the recent political debacle, I have decided to approach the issues facing our nation in a different light. I’m taking advantage of all the money I’ve spent on a Masters in Social Work degree and applying known-effective counseling techniques to our current dilemmas.  If it works for the individual, maybe…just maybe… can work for the country as a single unit. Regardless, things can’t get any worse, right?

Using Solution-Focused Therapy, or SFT, the client looks at where they want to be and then plots out the changes needed to get there. You find a solution, and then you do what you have to do to reach it.  SFT is my favorite therapy to use because – to me – it has a lot of benefits as you use it, not just once you’ve finished it. The outcome is clearly defined and obtainable, which makes deciding which changes to make easier. Once those changes are decided upon it’s easy to measure progress as you go, which provides a sense of accomplishment. Furthermore, like I mentioned before, in most cases there are immediate benefits to those changes even before the final solution has been accomplished.  So, treating the country as an individual, where do we want to be when we finish therapy?

Hmmm……. gainfully employed with a stable financial future and a happy family. Sounds good.

So, again, pretending the country is an individual, what are the problems preventing us from reaching our solution?

  • Employment issues.  Work is complicated.  We have a boss and the boss is directed by two different boards of directors, each board works with a different set of ethics and values, which sometimes leads to a complete and total shutdown of productivity.  It’s difficult for us to tell who is in charge sometimes because both the boss and the two different boards make deals with other agencies that include promises and cash flow that usually benefits the other agencies rather than our employees. This basically creates an upper-level system of marketing and commerce solely benefiting the upper level but being funded by the employees, resulting in gross amounts of income for those upper-level members while most of our employees are filing for welfare. Speaking of our employees…..most of them are twiddling their thumbs with nothing to do and no money to earn because their work is either tied up in unions (included in the aforementioned “other agencies”), outsourced overseas, or eliminated through automation/technology.
  • Dependents. Deadbeat kids who are demanding specialized treatment because they’re adopted. Deadbeat kids who are our own but are demanding that we “take care of them” for no other reason than that we can. We love our kids so they shouldn’t have to work, right?
  • Greedy neighbors. We have trade agreements worked out with our neighbors because they have something we need and we have something they need. However, trade is no longer fair because now our neighbors want 15x for their item as we want for ours. Furthermore, this neighbor only charges a fraction of this cost to their own family members. That doesn’t sound fair.
  • High debt load. It’s happened to everybody….went on a spending spree and racked up too much credit card debt. Trouble is, we’re so fiscally irresponsible that we borrow money to pay for our borrowed money. If we don’t get into a debt management system soon we’re going to be forced to file for bankruptcy.
  • Family mayhem. Our house has a standing set of rules which each family member has interpreted to their own benefit, resulting in a great rift between family members over whose interpretation is the right one. This situation is complicated by peer pressure from overbearing and influential friends who want to see a particular interpretation come to fruition for their own selfish benefit.

Okay, so we have 5 major areas we need to work on. For a first session, we’ve made wonderful progress in identifying our problem(s). Now we can begin to develop solutions….in our next session.

Teaching the Next Generation of Social Workers How to Protect the Guilty and Ignore the Innocent

Anyone who’s followed my blogs recently knows that I’m a social work student currently in my last year for my MSW. One of my classes right now is Advanced Clinical Ethics and is supposed to teach us how to behave in an ethically responsible manner when counseling our patients. Today my class received an email from our professor which detailed the rationality behind this past week’s discussion assignment.

The hypothetical ethical dilemma was a difficult one indeed. I am counseling a client who is coming to me for drug addiction. My client divulges to me that she committed a crime a long time ago in which someone was injured, but she was not caught for it. Instead, another woman was convicted of it and is serving a lengthy prison sentence for a crime she did not commit. After repeated urging, the client refuses to turn herself in and has reminded me of my obligation to client confidentiality. The question is simple – do I break that confidentiality and turn her in or maintain confidentiality and let an innocent woman continue to serve time for a crime she is innocent of? 

My answer to the discussion question was an honest one. I would tell my client that I have no choice but to try to help the woman wrongfully incarcerated, but that I would do this in a manner that would be least damaging to my client. I would let my client decide whether I go to the State Attorney to try and garner a plea bargain for my client, taking into account that she did come forward and is making progress in turning her life around, or I would simply go to the State Attorney and tell them that the woman they incarcerated is innocent but I can’t tell them how I know that due to client confidentiality, thereby running the risk of them re-opening the case and my client being found out (at which point they probably would not be so willing to work out a plea agreement). I would tell my client that those are her choices and she can decide, but that it is my ethical responsibility to take action.

The email from my professor today made me very angry. I went into social work because I want to help people. I want to promote social justice without having to become a police officer. I want to be one of the good guys that comes in and helps the underdog. Maybe it’s hereditary…..I come from a long line of firefighters, state troopers, paramedics, EMTs, military…..the innate sense of justice and responsibility to society is in my blood and is a part of my core being. So what am I supposed to do with this? 

This is the email sent to the entire class from my professor. I have removed my professor’s name as well as the name of my university in the hopes of minimizing the potential academic flashback (yes, I will probably get into trouble for posting this but I feel the public has the right to know what their counselors and therapists are being taught):

Winter 2013


What a great discussion week!  Your posts were very good.  It is evident from your posts, you are taking your profession seriously and want to be the best social worker you can be!

Issues in case:

Client reveals to her social worker she committed a crime.

Client reveals another woman is serving time in jail for this crime to her social worker.

The social worker has asked the client to reveal this information to authorities and client refuses.

Main Ethical dilemma: Does the social worker have the ethical responsibility to keep confidentiality or should she report what Mary’s has told her to the proper authorities?  What is the social worker’s Ethical responsibility using the Dolgoff’s Ethical Principles? This was the assignment.

Any other information provided in this scenario is not pertinent to the main ethical conflict for the social worker.

It does not matter how long the client is in treatment. It does not matter what the client is in treatment for. The relationship between social worker and client does not matter in making the ethical decision. It does not matter how long ago the crime was committed.

This question asked specifically to discuss your answer using Dolgoff’s Ethical Principles.

Principle 1: Protection of all human life, including the client and the lives of other people. Takes precedence over every other obligation.

Neither Social Worker’s client nor the woman in jail is in imminent danger to their lives.  “Imminent danger meaning “physical threat of death to either of them” Both women are safe. You should not use your perception of prison as an unsafe place where the woman might be “killed or maimed (beat up).”  If you believe prisons are unsafe and “dangerous”, could you serve on a jury and judge a person to prison and keep your ethical principle to keep ALL people from harm?

That being said, this Principle does not apply to the Social Worker’s dilemma and the social worker MUST keep confidentiality.

Principle 2: Equality and Inequality…equal persons have the right to be treated equally.  The client and the woman in jail are equals and should be treated as such.  The “system” treated both women equally.  The client escaped the system and the system “tried” the woman in jail and found her guilty with the information available to them.

This principle does not apply to Social Worker’s dilemma.

Principle 3: The social worker should make practice decisions that foster a person’s autonomy, independence and freedom.  A person does not have the right to decide to harm him/herself or anyone else on the grounds that the right to make such a decision is her/his autonomous right.

The first sentence leads SW’s to understand this is most important. As such, the social worker does not have the right to break confidentiality.  The social worker does not have the right to make a decision for client.  Revealing the client committed a crime might or would lead the client’s freedom to be compromised.  It is not the social worker’s autonomous right to break confidentiality.


Principle 4:  A social worker should always choose the option that will cause the least harm, the least permanent harm, and or the most easily reversible harm.  This principle does apply.  We are looking at these Principles remembering our client is the “person” unless the principle states “all people”.  This principle does apply. 


Principle 5: A social worker should choose the option that promotes a better quality of life for ALL people, for the individual as well as for the community.  This principle does apply.  The woman in jail needs to be considered under this principle.  Her quality of life could be improved (getting out of jail) if the client confesses to the crime.  But the client’s quality of life would or might be in limited (going to jail) if she confesses.   This principle does apply.


Principle 6: A social worker should make practice decisions that strengthen every person’s right to privacy.  Keeping confidential information inviolate is a direct derivative of this obligation.  This principle does apply.


Principle 7: A social worker should make practice decisions that permit her to speak the truth and to fully disclose all relevant information to the client and to others.  This principle does apply.  The social worker should discuss with the client truthfully her feelings on the legal obligation of the client to confess to the proper authorities she committed the crime. 


 The NASW Code of Ethics is the FIRST resource to use in any ethical decisions.  Since this question asked you ONLY to use the Dolgoff’s Ethical Principles, and if you only used Dolgoff’s Ethical Principles, you could make an ethical decision. I think at this point you want an answer to whether to keep or break the client’s confidentiality.


(c) Social workers should protect the confidentiality of all information obtained in the

course of professional service except for compelling professional reasons. The

general expectation that social workers will keep information confidential does not

apply when disclosure is necessary to prevent serious, foreseeable, and imminent

harm to a client or other identifiable person or when laws or regulations require

disclosure without a client’s consent. . (Tarasoff v. Regents of University of

California 17 Cal. 3d425, 131 Cal. Rptr. 14,551 P. 2d 334, 1976.)


In Mary’s case, using the above Code, as we must before using any other Principles, the social worker MUST keep confidentiality. The social worker has no knowledge of foreseeable or imminent harm to either her client or the woman in prison.    “HARM” is the key word in that sentence.  “HARM” meaning “threat of death” or “life threatening maiming.”

Consulting with a supervisor or a peer social worker is always advisable with difficult cases.  If you determined you must report this “crime”, you should do so disclosing the least amount of information necessary while keeping your client’s confidentiality. Also seek legal counsel before reporting.

Using the Dolgoff’s Principles, Principal #1 is the hierarchy of all other Principles.  As explained above, we are bound to confidentiality in Mary’s case.

If you came up with a different answer and it was based on the NASW Code of Ethics and Dolgoff’s Principles, it is the right answer for “you” with the knowledge you had at the time.

That being said, if you have determined a different answer BASED IN ANY WAY ON FEELINGS ABOUT THE CLIENT’S BEHAVIOR, THE “TERRIBLENESS” OF PRISON, THE “POOR WOMAN” IN PRISON”  “I COULDN’T LIVE WITH MYSELF” OR SIMILAR THOUGHTS, her “Cowardly behavior”, please know those are “value judgments” and should not be used in any ethical decision.

The author makes a true statement in your book.  She states there are no final or universal answers to difficult ethical questions. I would add as long as we keep our personal values and morals separate from ethical decisions and base decisions on knowledge of NASW Code of Ethics and Dolgoff’s Principles we are being ethical, responsible and professional social workers.

I would caution you all not to add more to the “cases” we discuss than the information that is known.  When you add suppositions, you cloud your judgment.  Also, answer the question that is asked: this week it was use the Dolgoff’s Principal….said nothing about applying Code of Ethics.  It is ok to add to posts but always keeping centered on the question asked.

A great week students!  The posts were, for the most part, professional and based on Knowledge of the NASW Code of Ethics and Dolgoff’s Principles.  Again a reminder to post and reply respectfully to the discussion board.  You all showed an open mind to take in other’s opinions which either strengthened your opinion or changed your opinion. 


Basically, this email is using accepted philosophy to justify one of the primary things wrong with our communities today – there is no regard for the greater good and it is every man for themselves. My professor’s responses sit wrong with me on so many different levels I don’t even know where to begin. Clinically speaking, what kind of a person are we helping our client to become? Someone who has no ability to accept the consequences of their actions and has no regard for their fellow man. If situation were only slightly altered and my client were a child and the other woman was another child wrongfully serving a timeout, a parent or counselor would be vilified for allowing such an injustice. After all, we’re teaching the one child that she can get away with doing wrong if she simply lies about it and there will be no consequences. And for the child serving the timeout, she’s being taught that there’s no such thing as fairness or justice in the disciplinary system.  This was actually covered in my Child Psych class and we were educated about the psychological dangers involved in such scenarios. So, again, clinically speaking this makes no sense to me.

Outside of the therapist’s office, in the world of human beings, this is still WRONG. Nowhere in humanity is it accepted as fair or just to allow an innocent person to serve the sentence of the guilty. One guy did this very thing and the Christians haven’t shut up about it since! (That’s a joke, people). As a Christian, doing my best to live by the Golden Rule, how can I possibly sit back and accept this? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If I were that woman sitting in prison, I would darn sure want someone on the outside fighting for me. How about the Ten Commandments? Thou shalt not bear false witness. Could I, as a Christian, maintain my client’s confidentiality knowing it violated my religious beliefs to do so?

What about the viewpoint from a law-abiding citizen? My client has violated the justice system by withholding information regarding a crime in which someone was injured. I now have similar information regarding the case. Would I also not be breaking the law by withholding that information? The very order that we depend on in society is founded on the belief in a justice system that I, at that point, would be helping to undermine.

Aside from all these different viewpoints, I think this one thing burnt me up the most…this one particular line from my professor – “I would add as long as we keep our personal values and morals separate from ethical decisions and base decisions on knowledge of NASW Code of Ethics and Dolgoff’s Principles we are being ethical, responsible and professional social workers.” 

In terms of this statement, I would like to point out Miriam-Webster’s definition of ‘ethics’: a branch of philosophy dealing with what is morally right or wrong. 

One cannot have ethics without first having morals. And what good are those morals when we’re told that we can not let them guide or sway our sense of ethics?

I’ve learned a lot in my time with my current university, but I think today I learned the most important lesson of all. I learned what type of social worker I don’t want to be.

And a note of warning to anyone who may potentially be a future client of mine…..if you tell me that you hurt someone and you’re letting another person sit in prison serving the time for it, you can bet your sweet ass I’m turning you in.