We need to unite once again

Two days ago I read an article that made my blood run cold….for about 2 seconds and then it started to boil. Sen. Mark Kirk, R-Ill. and Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman have both made claims that the obama (not capitalized intentionally, thank you very much) administration is sending illegal alien children to their states without their knowledge and consent. Furthermore, when discovered, the elected officials inquired about the children and the federal government refused to tell them the names and locations of these children.

Folks, that’s a game changer right there. When you have a federal government that is using state resources without the consent or knowledge of the state, and then refuses to include the state in the activity once it’s discovered, you are officially living in a socialist country. When the federal government bypasses the people’s elected representatives then the people no longer have a voice and the federal government is running the show according to their will, not the people’s. This is what we’re dealing with.

And this is what needs to happen….

Contrary to what everyone is saying, that the states all need to secede and become independent, I think this country needs to unite. The states need to band together through the power of their elected officials and seal their own borders…..against the feds. The federal government has evolved into an independent entity. It is no longer acting on behalf of the people….it is no longer the voice of the people and the will of the people. No. The federal government has evolved into a corrupt entity that has hijacked our tax dollars, trespassed into the People’s House, and is threatening the safety and sanctity of our great nation. It acts independently of any other entity, creating it’s own laws and circumventing any restrictions that we attempt to apply to it. Benghazi? The survivors (aka witnesses) don’t want to speak about it….because I’ve threatened them if they do. IRS scandal? Oh, sorry, hard drive crashed. Gun-rights restrictions? I give up, you can keep your guns, but Operation Choke Point will put your firearm product suppliers out of business. Obamacare? You can keep your insurance if you want to, but I’m going to make it so expensive that you won’t be able to. And these are just a few of the verified, confirmed scandals facing the federal government.

The states united before against tyranny….they need to do it again. The first step, though, is closing our borders to those that would undermine our safety – and I don’t mean our national borders. I’ve started a petition demanding (yes, demanding) that the States’ Governors close their borders to federal vehicles transporting illegal aliens. The feds have many of our representatives in its pocket, and we need to get back into the people’s corner. We can do this in 2 different ways: 1)make sure they know that they have our support in standing against the feds, and 2)elect OUT the ones who won’t work with us and bring in the ones who will. Plain and simple.

So….that rant being made…..sign the petition, forward the petition, share the petition, and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND COUNTRY get out and VOTE this November for someone who is FOR THE PEOPLE.

Petition to Governors – Close your state’s borders to the feds