ObamaLaw – coming to a police department near you! – Wrapping it up

This is the final part of my analysis of the Interim Report filed by the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing (a). This blog post is going to analyze the “Implementation” section of the report and then I’m going to wrap all of this up in a nice, neat, little package of truth and top it off with a bow of reality. Liberals and Obama-llama ding dongs are not going to like it. Tough crap. As a fellow patriot keeps reminding me, we’re way past the point of sugar-coating things.

Quick recap….the Task Force was created last December by way of Obama’s ‘pen and phone’ in direct response to the unrest in Ferguson. If you have read any of the other blog posts (b) you know that my biggest gripe with this whole issue is that they’re trying to fix something that isn’t broken while ignoring the real issue. Our police departments don’t need to be reformed – as evidenced by the fact that Officer Darren Wilson was acquitted of any wrong-doing and even Holder’s DOJ couldn’t find grounds on which to indict him. However, some populations today have a glaringly obvious and open contempt for authority and place no value on life or property. This population is what needs to be fixed, not the police departments trying desperately to deal with it. That makes the Interim Report complete and total bullshit except in use as liberal propaganda.


7.1 RECOMMENDATION: The President should direct all federal law enforcement agencies to review the recommendations made by the Task Force on 21st Century Policing and, to the extent practicable, to adopt those that can be implemented at the federal level.

Federal law enforcement agencies? Most of the recommendations in this report were aimed at local law enforcement agencies…so does that mean that local is soon to be federal?

7.2 RECOMMENDATION: The U.S. Department of Justice should explore public-private partnership opportunities, starting by convening a meeting with local, regional, and national foundations to discuss the proposals for reform described in this report and seeking their engagement and support in advancing implementation of these recommendations.

I wonder if this would be done in much the same way that Pearson was used to implement Common Core into the education system. For those of you who may not have done the research, Pearson develops the curriculum and the tests that are now “mandatory” in public schools. If you look at Pearson’s political donations over the last several years, you’ll find that the Democratic Party and individual Democratic party members have received sizable sums of money from Pearson and its employees.

7.3 RECOMMENDATION: The U.S. Department of Justice should charge its Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) with assisting the law enforcement field in addressing current and future challenges.

Translation: We don’t like how law enforcement is being handled at the local level so the federal government is going to help…or takeover.

In support of this translation, look at some of the bullet items listed underneath Recommendation 7.3….

  • Create a National Policing Practices and Accountability Division within the COPS Office.
  • Establish national benchmarks and best practices for federal, state, local, and tribal police departments.
  • Provide technical assistance and funding to national, state, local, and tribal accreditation bodies that evaluate policing practices.
  • Provide technical assistance and funding to state training boards to help them meet national benchmarks and best practices in training methodologies and content.
  • Prioritize grant funding to departments meeting benchmarks.
  • Support departments through an expansion of the COPS Office Collaborative Reform Initiative.
  • Work with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to ensure that community policing tactics in state, local, and tribal law enforcement agencies are incorporated into their role in homeland security.

Create a national policing division….establish national standards…..prioritize grant funding to departments that comply with national standards…..support departments through expansion of government reform….incorporate homeland security into local law enforcement. Folks, if you were reading this without any other context you would think that you were reading a report about Nazi Germany. Speaking of which…..

About the time I hit “pillar” five I was beginning to wonder if the path that Obama has put us on with our police departments is in any way similar to the path that the Nazis took in gaining control over Germany. It’s common knowledge to anyone who has studied history that the Nazi party was welcomed in on their foundation of “change” since the country’s job markets and economy had been in such dire straits for so long. I began doing research – using only reputable sources, of course. I was a little hesitant at first because I’m as tired as the Democrats are of hearing the “Obama is another Hitler” rhetoric. I didn’t want to add to that, but at the same time I was desperate to know whether history is in the process of repeating itself.

Let the history lesson begin….

Germany in 1914 may as well have been the United States of two decades ago. Germany had a gold-backed currency; was expanding their world leadership in optics, chemicals, and machinery; and the German Mark was equal in value to the British shilling, the French franc, and the Italian lira (c). In 1919, after a brutal defeat in WWI, Germany was forced to make reparations following the signing of the Versailles Treaty. These reparations, coupled with the collapse of Germany’s over inflated economy, resulted in disaster for many German citizens. By 1923 Germany’s economy had crashed such that the previous ratio of four or five Marks to each American dollar became one trillion Marks to each American dollar. Does this over-inflation followed by a catastrophic crash sound familiar? Like maybe the housing market crash in 2012? The similarities don’t end there. Read this paragraph from PBS and tell me if this doesn’t sound like you…or most of America.

Ordinary citizens worked at their jobs, sent their children to school and worried about their grades, maneuvered for promotions and rejoiced when they got them, and generally expected things to get better. But the prices that had doubled from 1914 to 1919 doubled again during just five months in 1922. Milk went from 7 Marks per liter to 16; beer from 5.6 to 18. There were complaints about the high cost of living. Professors and civil servants complained of getting squeezed. Factory workers pressed for wage increases. An underground economy developed, aided by a desire to beat the tax collector.

Have many Americans not already done this by taking jobs that pay “under the table”? Or scouring every IRS law to find the loophole that will let them out of paying taxes? Back to the history lesson…

As a result of the very unstable state of the nation, a new political party was founded in 1918 – the German Worker’s Party (d). The platform of the German Worker’s Party was very simple – build a strong nationalist, pro-military, party made up of working class people (e). The party was contemptuous of democracy and stressed racial theories. This political view very closely matched Hitler’s, so Hitler joined. In 1920 the party changed its name to the National Socialists German Worker’s Party (d).

Okay, is this party starting to sound like another political party we’re familiar with? It’s nationalistic in that it thinks it’s better than other parties and other governments. It’s contemptuous of democracy and has violated our country’s Constitution repeatedly – even flaunting their disregard of it in news stories (like when Obama said he did not need Congressional approval to declare war). And it stresses racial theories. Yes, it may claim that it wants equal rights for all races, but it’s fighting for rights of one specific race by taking them away from another. It creates bias and prejudice where there is none except on the part of the very party that is crying victim. That is why the Task Force was established and why this Interim Report was published….even though the Officer that was supposedly racist was cleared of any wrong-doing. Explain that one.

So, at this point we have an apples-to-apples comparison. Germany’s National Socialist Party (aka Nazi Party) = USA’s Democratic Party. Where did Germany go with the Nazis?

In 1921, the Nazi Party formed the SA (Sturm Abteilung), also known as Stormtroopers (i). These Stormtroopers were recognized as the party militia. In essence, these were community groups who were responsible for carrying out the government’s orders in a strong-arm fashion. They also doubled as spies and turned in anyone not loyal to the Nazi party. Let’s see if Encyclopedia Brittanica’s (j) description of the SA jogs any memories of recent events.

SA men protected Party meetings, marched in Nazi rallies, and physically assaulted political opponents

Let’s see…..sound anything like…oh, I don’t know…maybe….the New Black Panther Party?!

The Southern Poverty Law Center (k) describes the New Black Panther Party as:

The New Black Panther Party is a virulently racist and anti-Semitic organization whose leaders have encouraged violence against whites, Jews and law enforcement officers. Founded in Dallas, the group today is especially active on the East Coast, from Boston to Jacksonville, Fla. The group portrays itself as a militant, modern-day expression of the black power movement

In all fairness, the Black Panthers of the ’60s have denounced the new group and recognize them for the hate-baiters that they are. Still though, does this or does this not sound like Hitler’s SA? And the New Black Panther Party isn’t working alone….in 2008 a voter intimidation case was brought against them for intimidating voters outside of a Philadelphia voting precinct (l). Guess what happened to the case against the Black Panthers? It was thrown out. By who? Eric Holder. Since then, we’ve had race-baiters such as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and – of course – Eric Holder take center stage. These individuals decry the loss of a black life – even if it was the black’s fault – but stay frighteningly silent when the life lost belonged to a white person. Eric Holder himself helped incite the riots of Ferguson by undermining the decision of the Ferguson courts and launching a federal investigation into Officer Wilson’s behavior. It goes one step beyond that though. The White House, i.e. Obama, sent government representatives to attend Michael Brown’s funeral (m) but failed to send anyone to Major General Harold Greene’s funeral (n). Greene and 15 others were ambushed outside of Kabul….he was the highest ranking military officer to have been lost in combat since Vietnam and not a word from the White House. Considering the topic, it should be noted that Michael Brown was black and Maj. Gen. Greene was white. Go figure.

The other frightening thing to consider is a theme that was repeated frequently in the Interim Report that spawned these blog posts. In each “pillar” it talks about the need to get the community involved in policing efforts. Now, on the surface, this sounds great and I even commented in one of my blog posts that it was a good idea. But then I got to thinking….what if Obama enacted laws that violate my beliefs? What if he took over and made the country totalitarian and I spoke out against him? At that point, my neighbor, the cashier at the grocery store, or even you reading this blog could report me to the authorities and have me arrested. Increased law enforcement is great when the law is fair, but what about when it isn’t? And this president has a track record of not being fair.

So…where are we? Let’s see….Nazis = Democrats. SA/SS = New Black Panther Party/”black power” public figures. Got it. Moving on.

In 1923 Hitler led a revolt that failed and it damaged the Nazi Party’s image greatly (d). He and other Nazi Party leaders were arrested and imprisoned for treason. Hitler was sentenced to five years but was released after 10 months (i). By 1932, the Nazi Party was the biggest political party in Germany. I’m going to stop here for a moment because I’d like to draw a connection between a current event and this piece of history. In a speech last week at a town hall event in Cleveland, Obama said that he would endorse making voting mandatory (f). According to Gallup polls, the Democratic Party is traditionally the larger of the two parties in the country (g). However, it took a big hit in the November elections primarily – according to the Democrats – due to lack of voter turnout. If voting became mandatory – according to Obama – “it would completely change the political map in this country” (f). Check out what else Obama said (q):

“The people who tend not to vote are young, they’re lower income, they’re skewed more heavily towards immigrant groups and minority groups,” Obama said. “They are often the folks who are scratching and climbing to get into the middle-class. They’re working hard.” “There’s a reason why some folks try to keep them away from the polls,” Obama added. He said that making voting compulsory would be a short-term solution. “Long-term I think it would be fun to have a constitutional amendment process about how our financial system works,” he said.

“Fun” and “constitutional” should never be used in the same sentence with one another, especially by someone as lawless as this man.

Democrats prey on voter ignorance. Rather than educate the public about issues, they would prefer to simply tell them how to vote. Congresswoman Corrine Brown of Florida is a great example of this “teach them and they’ll vote for you once; feed them and they’ll vote for you forever” mentality. Congresswoman Brown has made headlines in the past by offering free meals to early voters (o). Now she’s making headlines for handing out mock ballots that tell people how to vote (p). Just like the Nazis. And why would the people vote for anybody else if there’s no one else to vote for?

Hitler became chancellor of the Nazi party in 1933, and the other political parties either dissolved or were suppressed into nonexistence (f). Again, sound familiar? The Tea Party and Constitutional Republicans have been trying to fight the Democrats since Obama came onto the scene and all have been suppressed, though not as successfully as the Democrats would like. Evidence of support for the nation’s Constitution can be seen in Overpasses for America events, Tea Party rallies, the Million Vet March on the Memorials, and a plethora of individual efforts (such as this blog) to spread the truth about the dirty leadership of the Democratic government. Apples-to-apples.

In April of 1933, Hitler introduced the Gestapo, or Nazi secret police, and took over local governments (i). Hmmm….in April 2015 Obama initiated a pilot program of federalizing six police departments (t). More apples-to-apples.

Many things happened in 1933 that set Germany up for Hitler to take control. Some of these things haven’t happened yet for us, but some have. In 1933, trade unions were banned (i). Any political party except the Nazis were banned (i). Germany withdrew from the League of Nations (i). Any media that was “un-German” was banned (i). The “un-German” media is frightening because this is one executive order away from happening now that the FCC controls all forms of media except book publishing.

When Germany’s President Paul von Hindenburg died in 1934 Hitler quickly stepped in and made Germany a totalitarian state with himself as the leader (f). The Nazi party held a vote and overwhelmingly declared Hitler as sole leader of the entire country. This is exactly the kind of take-over that most ‘aware’ citizens are fearing might be coming. The Democratic Party has already shown their unwillingness to work with Republicans and Obama personally has vetoed every bill that has made it to his desk since the Republicans took the majority. He vetoes bills that the American people want passed and then uses executive order to do what he wants. He uses any means necessary to get his way, even if it means lying to a federal judge (h). His actions are those of someone who believes himself to be above the law. That’s a very dangerous mindset to have.

Most people know the history that follows from this point. Hitler’s government cracked down on the rights of anyone not German and eventually 11 million Jews, Christians, Polish citizens, and other nationalities who were unlucky enough to fall within his grasp were murdered (r). It boggles the mind to think that such an atrocity could happen here and our gut reaction is to say that the American people would never be blind enough to let that happen. However, many Germans didn’t know about the atrocities being carried out by their own government in their own country (s).

To prevent non-Jews from attempting to enter the ghettos and from seeing the condition of daily life there for themselves, German authorities posted quarantine signs at the entrances, warning of the danger of contagious disease. Since inadequate sanitation and water supplies coupled with starvation rations quickly undermined the health of the Jews in the ghettos, these warnings became a self-fulfilling prophecy, as typhus and other infectious diseases ravaged ghetto populations. Subsequent Nazi propaganda utilized these man-made epidemics to justify isolating the “filthy” Jews from the larger population.

Remember that the next time you hear a story about a FEMA camp being setup in a mock exercise to control some highly contagious disease from further outbreak.

The bottom line to all of this is that we currently have a government out of control and it is a danger to the citizens of this great country. If you have trouble coming to terms with this then ask yourself this: what would the government have to take over in order to control the people? Now, answer that question.

Education – Common Core.

Media – FCC.

Public health/ Medical care – Obamacare.

Police/public law – ObamaLaw/COPS (Community Oriented Policing Services)

What more does he need to take over before we no longer have the ability to fight back? I didn’t write this to create or spread propaganda. I wrote this to try to bring more people to see the truth. And I hope I’ve succeeded. Please…I urge you. Trust nothing that comes out of D.C. Do your own research. And help spread the truth.

Thanks for reading.

(a) http://www.cops.usdoj.gov/pdf/taskforce/Interim_TF_Report.pdf

(b)  https://realizationsruminationsandlife.wordpress.com/2015/03/03/obamalaw-coming-to-a-police-department-near-you-part-one/






(c) http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/commandingheights/shared/minitext/ess_germanhyperinflation.html

(d) http://history.howstuffworks.com/world-war-ii/national-socialist-german-workers-party.htm

(e) http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/riseofhitler/joins.htm

(f) http://allenwestrepublic.com/2015/03/18/obama-calls-for-mandatory-voting-in-u-s/

(g) http://www.gallup.com/poll/15370/party-affiliation.aspx

(h) http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/mar/5/obama-lawyers-misled-federal-judge-in-amnesty-case/?page=all

(i) http://www.historyonthenet.com/chronology/timelinenazigermany.htm

(j) http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/514736/SA

(k) http://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-files/groups/new-black-panther-party

(l) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/07/14/AR2010071405880.html

(m) http://stlouis.cbslocal.com/2014/08/25/obama-sending-white-house-aides-to-attend-michael-browns-funeral/

(n) http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/checkpoint/wp/2014/08/06/obamas-silence-on-death-of-maj-gen-harold-greene-comes-under-fire/

(o) http://jacksonville.com/news/metro/2010-11-01/story/brown-campaign-offers-free-meals-early-voters

(p) http://www.wokv.com/news/news/local/pastor-blames-quick-picks-early-voting-brawl/nkSb6/

(q) http://dailycaller.com/2015/03/19/obama-says-he-would-like-to-make-voting-mandatory-video/

(r) https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/NonJewishVictims.html

(s) http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10007822

(t) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/12/six-cities-racial-bias-pilot-program_n_6859160.html

ObamaLaw – Coming to a police department near you! – Special: The people of the Task Force, Part 3

Yesterday I published Part Two of the series that looks into the people appointed to Obama’s President’s Task Force on 21st Century PolicingI have to admit that even I’m surprised at the type of people on this task force. I expected them to be on the liberal side, considering who chose them, but I didn’t expect someone that considers Thanksgiving to be racist, a different person who believes convicted sex offenders’ rights take precedent over public safety, and someone actively working to help illegal immigrants not be deported. These are some of the core issues that this country is struggling with and Obama has chosen people on the other side of the rope than us to help decide the future of our police departments. This doesn’t bode well for us if we let this continue.

Today I’m going to talk about the last four members of the Task Force.

Constance Rice, Appointee for Member, President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing
Constance Rice is a civil rights attorney and Co-Director of the Advancement Project, an organization she co-founded in 1999.  In 2003, Ms. Rice was selected to lead the Blue Ribbon Rampart Review Panel, which investigated the largest police corruption scandal in Los Angeles Police Department history.  In 1991, Ms. Rice joined the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, and in 1996, she became Co-Director of the Los Angeles office.  She was previously an associate at Morrison & Foerster, and began her legal career as a law clerk to Judge Damon J. Keith of the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit.  Ms. Rice received a B.A. from Harvard College and a J.D. from New York University School of Law.

Already I see a few words that indicate this could be trouble….”advancement”, “NAACP”, and “Harvard”. If we look into the organization that Constance co-founded we see headlines on their website that verify our concerns (a). “Civil Rights Groups Stand in Solidarity with Young Activists in Ferguson” is one headline. “Diverse Coalition Support Our Petition Against Voter ID Law” is another. Or how about this one… “Civil Rights Organizations Stand with Arab and Muslim Communities”. That’s the organization’s website, but is that what Ms. Rice thinks? Here again Twitter comes to the rescue.

Ms. Rice tweeted this……


And re-tweeted this……     connierice2

While I believe that Ms. Rice’s intentions are good, I believe her actions may be misguided. I agree with Ms. Rice completely that all people – regardless of race, sex, or ethnicity – should have equal access to things such as jobs, health care, and education. However, Ms. Rice and other equal rights organizations are spending too much time applying band-aids than actually tackling the problem. For example, Ms. Rice complained about the laws requiring an ID to vote being discriminatory against low income individuals who don’t have government-issued IDs. Perhaps we wouldn’t need voter ID laws if we didn’t have over 10 million illegal immigrants trying to vote. Rather than complaining about the IDs being needed, why not come up with solutions that would help those low income individuals get their IDs, like maybe waiving the fees for any official documents…or providing transportation to go get the IDs. There are ways to make things equal without opening the door to those resources being abused.

Overall, I think Ms. Rice has the best of intentions, is intelligent and fair in her work, but is short-sighted in addressing societal issues. Look for her involvement in the Task Force to result in more band-aids and fewer cures.

Moving on.

Roberto Villaseñor, Appointee for Member, President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing

Roberto Villaseñor is Chief of Police for the Tucson Police Department (the TPD), a position he has held since 2009.   He joined the TPD in 1980, and has served as Officer, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain, and as Assistant Chief from 2000 to 2009.  Chief Villaseñor was named Officer of the Year for the TPD in 1996, and has been awarded the TPD Medal of Merit three times.  He also received the TPD Medal of Distinguished Service.  Chief Villaseñor is the incoming President of the Arizona Association of Chiefs of Police and a Board Member of the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF).  He received a B.S. from Park University and an M.Ed. from Northern Arizona University.

Villasenor has seen his fair share of controversy, although – unlike most of our other Task Force members – he was on defensive end and not the protesting end. He was Chief of Police when Gabbie Giffords was shot and dealt with the gun-rights unrest. He was also Chief of Police when Arizona’s SB1070 was put into place and he was forced to deal with the flashback from that. For the most part, Mr. Villasenor sounds like a great citizen and was a respected, well-liked police chief. The only concerns that I have with him is what he stated in a couple of interviews for the Tucson Sentinel:

Villaseñor, who calls himself an avid supporter of the Second Amendment, said it is time for a calm discussion about steps to reduce gun violence. Those include what he calls commonsense steps like banning high-capacity clips and assault rifles that are not used for leisure activities like target practice or hunting, he said. (b)


Tucson-area law enforcement officials added to the pile of briefs filed with the Supreme Court this week opposing Arizona’s SB 1070 illegal immigration law. Tucson Police Chief Roberto Villaseñor and Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik joined ex-state Attorneys General Grant Woods and Terry Goddard, along with U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva and dozens of others in asking the court to strike down the law.

First of all, anytime you mention a tracking system in the same sentence as guns I start to get a little uncomfortable. I’ve completed my concealed carry class, I’ve passed my background checks…..I should be able to own any damn gun I want without the government having to know what exactly I own and when I bought it. I also don’t feel as though – if I’ve passed all of the legal requirements to be able to carry a concealed weapon – the government has any right to determine what kind of clips I put in my guns, how many bullets they can handle, or anything else. I would also like to take this opportunity to mention that all of the guns used in the shooting sprees that has put this issue in the frying pan were obtained illegally. There is nothing the law could have done that would have prevented those shootings.

Second of all, I can understand Villasenor’s concern about the potential danger that his officers might face in the process of enforcing SB1070, but the very fact that it’s dangerous is exactly why it needed to be enforced. SB1070 was the bill that would have required Arizona officers to request proof of citizenship when stopping individuals that could potentially have been in the country illegally. I don’t see a problem with this and think that it should be nation-wide. The only time we wouldn’t need this is if the government made it so that illegals could not get drivers’ licenses. Then, the only time proof of citizenship would need to be shown is if they couldn’t provide a valid driver’s license. Of course, this is all moot since Villasenor announced in December 2014 that his officers will no longer be enforcing the law (d).

Moving on…..

Sean Smoot, Appointee for Member, President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing

Sean Smoot is currently Director and Chief Counsel for the Police Benevolent & Protective Association of Illinois (PB&PA) and the Police Benevolent Labor Committee (PBLC), positions he has held since 2000.  He began his career with PB&PA and PBLC as a Staff Attorney in 1995, before becoming Chief Counsel of both organizations in 1997.  Since 2001, Mr. Smoot has served as the Treasurer of the National Association of Police Organizations, and has served on the Advisory Committee for the National Law Enforcement Officers’ Rights Center since 1996.  From 2008 to 2009, he was a policy advisor to the Obama-Biden Transition Project on public safety and state and local police issues, and was a Member of the National Institute of Justice and Harvard Kennedy School of Government Executive Session on Policing and Public Safety from 2008 to 2011.  Mr. Smoot served as Police Commissioner of Leland Grove, Illinois from 1998 to 2008.  He received a B.S from Illinois State University and a J.D. from Southern Illinois University School of Law.

The results of my research into Sean Smoot thoroughly surprised me and gave me a glimmer of hope for the outcomes of this Task Force. According to Sean’s Facebook page, he’s patriotic and just as leery of big government as the rest of us. Here are just a few of the things that he’s posted on his personal Facebook page:


smoot2 smoot3 smoot4 smoot5

The thought of “big government” frightens him, he believes in the power of prayer, supports our police officers, honors our veterans, and believes that the good of the nation trumps the good of the politicians. There’s more that I didn’t post out of respect for his and his family’s privacy, but I can tell you that he celebrates Thanksgiving and wished everyone a Merry Christmas. That’s good enough for me. Sean may very well be the only real American on this Task Force. Let’s hope he stands his ground when the going gets tough.

Moving on…..

Cedric L. Alexander, Appointee for Member, President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing
Cedric L. Alexander is the Deputy Chief Operating Officer for Public Safety in DeKalb County, Georgia, a position he has held since late 2013.  Dr. Alexander is also the National President of the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives.  In 2013, he served as Chief of Police for the DeKalb County Police Department.  Prior to this, Dr. Alexander served as Federal Security Director for the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport from 2007 to 2013, and from 2006 to 2007, he was Deputy Commissioner of the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services.  From 2005 to 2006, Dr. Alexander was Chief of the Rochester Police Department (RPD) in Rochester, New York, where he previously served as Deputy Chief of Police from 2002 to 2005.  Before joining RPD, Dr. Alexander was a faculty member in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester Medical Center from 1998 to 2002.  He began his career as a Deputy Sheriff in Florida from 1977 to 1981, before joining the Miami-Dade Police Department, where he was as an Officer and Detective from 1981 to 1992.  He received a B.A. and M.S. from St. Thomas University in Miami, Florida, and a Psy.D. from Wright State University.

Cedric posted a particular challenge for me because he’s a psychiatrist. As a social worker and therapist, that makes him a colleague. Of course, conservatives in social work are very very rare so I’ve become quite accustomed to disagreeing with most of my colleagues when it comes to politics. I found that Cedric wrote an opinion article for CNN after the Ferguson and Staten Island grand juries’ refusals to indict (e). While he made several excellent suggestions on improving police-community relationships, I found that he is doing the same thing as everyone else – applying band-aids instead of a cure. At this point I’m going to speak only about Ferguson and the Trayvon Martin case because – I’ll be brutally honest here – I don’t know enough about the Staten Island incident to be able to speak about it. By the time it happened I was burnt out on Ferguson (no pun intended) and avoiding any type of national news at all costs. However, it really irritates me to hear everyone going on about improving relationships between the cops and the community, eliminating biases and prejudice, and increasing the cultural diversity in police forces when NO ONE is addressing the behavior of the two young men that resulted in them being shot! In both the Ferguson and Trayvon Martin cases scientific evidence revealed that the young men were wrestling for the guns of the officers when they were shot. In the Ferguson case they even had people who gave evidence condemning the police officer recant their stories and admit they were lying! Eric Holder himself admitted last week that the “hands up, don’t shoot” quote was made up! How in the hell can you still claim that this is a racial problem when the only ones doing the damage are the ones crying foul?! I’m sorry, but both Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin got exactly what they deserved. Do I say that because they were black and the cops were white? Hell no! I say that because they were punk-ass thugs trying to take guns away from police officers – and probably would have shot the officers had they succeeded. I don’t care what color either party is or was – you have a thug trying to wrestle a gun away and a cop trying to defend himself….those are the only facts I need to know. Throwing in the race information doesn’t mean a damn thing, at least not to me. There is nothing – NOTHING – that could have changed the outcomes of those events except modifying the behavior of the youth. And I don’t mean just black youth. All youth these days have issues with respect and authority, and especially with respecting authority. Until that changes there will continue to be Trayvon Martins and Michael Browns. Every person who says this can be solved by diversifying the police and improving community relations is really only saying one thing: “The people wouldn’t have rioted if the cop had been black, so let’s bring in black cops so the people won’t riot next time.” Every member of the black community should be insulted and terrified because what this tells me is that they don’t care about finding a solution to the crimes, they merely want to stop the communities from disagreeing with police actions. And they will only do that if the cops are black. Ok…who’s racist now?

So there you have it – a psychologist, a few police chiefs, a researcher, an advocate….these are the people that make up the Task Force that Obama was put together to decide how best to overhaul the nation’s police departments. While I agree that some changes need to be made, I think this is another federal overreach and that this should be left up to the communities and states. Why? Because each community is different and a one-size-fits-all solution is simply not going to be universally applicable. If Obama ties federal funding to the overhaul, it will only spell disaster. At that point I would have to wonder if it’s ignorance or exceptional planning because if the police departments go bankrupt then the feds will contract out the work to whomever they want. Eric Holder has already alluded to this in his threat to dismantle the entire Ferguson police department. If the feds control the security contract then they have effectively put martial law into place – and done it in a way that most people will actually think the feds are doing them a favor. I really hate to keep comparing obama to Hitler because it’s so over-done, but that is exactly how the holocaust started….Hitler introduced laws for change and the people ate it up with a spoon. I see the same eagerness in the sheeple of this country and it scares the hell out of me.

Pay attention. Educate yourself. Don’t trust what the news tells you – do your own research. Argue with facts, not emotion – not only will it make you the winner but it really pisses off the liberals. Try to educate others with knowledge instead of opinion – don’t say “the country’s in danger because obama’s a douche-bag” (even if he is), say instead that the country is in danger because these facts contradict this bill and nobody is doing anything about it.  Maybe, hopefully, God-willing, we’ll be able to reclaim our country from the idiocy that has taken over her.

(a) – http://www.advancementproject.org/content/home

(b) – http://www.tucsonsentinel.com/local/report/012813_villasenor_white_house/tpd-chief-white-house-talk-gun-violence/

(c) – http://www.tucsonsentinel.com/local/report/033012_1070_briefs/villasenor-dupnik-join-flood-filing-anti-sb-1070-briefs/

(d) – http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/news/2014/12/18/tucson-police-no-longer-enforcing-arizona-immigration-status-checks/

(e) http://www.cnn.com/2014/12/04/opinion/alexander-police-ferguson-staten-island/

We need to unite once again

Two days ago I read an article that made my blood run cold….for about 2 seconds and then it started to boil. Sen. Mark Kirk, R-Ill. and Nebraska Gov. Dave Heineman have both made claims that the obama (not capitalized intentionally, thank you very much) administration is sending illegal alien children to their states without their knowledge and consent. Furthermore, when discovered, the elected officials inquired about the children and the federal government refused to tell them the names and locations of these children.

Folks, that’s a game changer right there. When you have a federal government that is using state resources without the consent or knowledge of the state, and then refuses to include the state in the activity once it’s discovered, you are officially living in a socialist country. When the federal government bypasses the people’s elected representatives then the people no longer have a voice and the federal government is running the show according to their will, not the people’s. This is what we’re dealing with.

And this is what needs to happen….

Contrary to what everyone is saying, that the states all need to secede and become independent, I think this country needs to unite. The states need to band together through the power of their elected officials and seal their own borders…..against the feds. The federal government has evolved into an independent entity. It is no longer acting on behalf of the people….it is no longer the voice of the people and the will of the people. No. The federal government has evolved into a corrupt entity that has hijacked our tax dollars, trespassed into the People’s House, and is threatening the safety and sanctity of our great nation. It acts independently of any other entity, creating it’s own laws and circumventing any restrictions that we attempt to apply to it. Benghazi? The survivors (aka witnesses) don’t want to speak about it….because I’ve threatened them if they do. IRS scandal? Oh, sorry, hard drive crashed. Gun-rights restrictions? I give up, you can keep your guns, but Operation Choke Point will put your firearm product suppliers out of business. Obamacare? You can keep your insurance if you want to, but I’m going to make it so expensive that you won’t be able to. And these are just a few of the verified, confirmed scandals facing the federal government.

The states united before against tyranny….they need to do it again. The first step, though, is closing our borders to those that would undermine our safety – and I don’t mean our national borders. I’ve started a petition demanding (yes, demanding) that the States’ Governors close their borders to federal vehicles transporting illegal aliens. The feds have many of our representatives in its pocket, and we need to get back into the people’s corner. We can do this in 2 different ways: 1)make sure they know that they have our support in standing against the feds, and 2)elect OUT the ones who won’t work with us and bring in the ones who will. Plain and simple.

So….that rant being made…..sign the petition, forward the petition, share the petition, and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD AND COUNTRY get out and VOTE this November for someone who is FOR THE PEOPLE.

Petition to Governors – Close your state’s borders to the feds

One step away from “the draft”: Our nation’s young men are still at risk

It’s the start of summer and, all over the country, families are sending their newly graduated youngsters into the world. It’s a time of great celebration. If only parents knew.

I have two teenage kids. A month ago one of their friends lost his only parent, leaving him with no close relatives to help him. His mother had been sick with cancer for a while and I quickly discovered that she had not been able to teach him the independent living skills that most kids his age possess. For example, he doesn’t know how to balance a checkbook or fill out an application. Yesterday I sat down with him to help him fill out his FAFSA (that application you have to turn in to get financial aid for college). About half an hour after he started his FAFSA, he called me over to the computer. “Mrs. V., what is Selective Service?” I told him I didn’t know but to give me a minute and I’d find out. I couldn’t believe the results of my Google search. First, a little history lesson….

President Richard Nixon is most commonly remembered for his role in the Watergate scandal, as well as for his resignation to avoid impeachment. Despite the negativity surrounding his presidency, he did do one thing that the American people should be grateful for – he eliminated the draft and made military service strictly voluntary. By 1975 all elements of the draft had been done away with, including the requirement for young men to register when they turned 18. America’s young men could breathe a sigh of relief and relax……but not for long.

In 1980, fueled by concerns over the Soviet’s invasion of Afghanistan, then President Jimmy Carter re-instituted registration of young men under the Military Selective Service Act. Registration goes on today and my question is – does the general public know that their young men are one step away from being drafted, even though the government supposedly eliminated the draft?

According to the Selective Service website (https://www.sss.gov), every male between the ages of 18 and 26 years of age must register unless they are incarcerated or institutionalized for medical or psychiatric reasons. Even “undocumented immigrants” and men who have undergone sex-change surgery to become a woman have to register. No exceptions. Even men who are legally disabled are required to register if they are within the age group and not in a residential facility. Even if it violates your religious beliefs, you have to register (they call these “conscientious objectors”).

I thought, okay, simple enough……I’ll tell him to skip this part, not to register, and keep filling out the FAFSA.  IT WOULDN’T LET HIM! In order to file a FAFSA for financial aid, you have to register. Furthermore, many states have enacted legislation so that you can’t get a driver’s license without registering. There is no way around it unless you have enough money to pay for your own college and have a chauffeur.  Oh, yeah, and rich enough to pay the fine and post bail. According to the SSA website:

Registration is the law. A man who fails to register may, if prosecuted and convicted, face a fine of up to $250,000 and/or a prison term of up to five years.”

Really? What. the. hell?!?!?!

Now, here’s where a lot of people say that it’s no big deal….there’s no draft anymore and this doesn’t mean anything. Okay….if it didn’t mean anything, then why is it punishable by prison sentence for non-compliance? No, this is the government telling the public “don’t worry, we won’t reinstate the draft” while continuing the drafting process. All the president has to do is get Congress’ permission to reinstate and the lotteries begin. Considering Obama’s track record of working with Congress, I wouldn’t be surprised if he bypassed Congress altogether and simply used his “pen and phone” to start the process.  The only way to truly safeguard our young men is to do away with the Selective Service, thereby guaranteeing that an irresponsible government will have a more difficult time shipping America’s men into another Vietnam.

I mean, seriously, if a war begins that is righteous the government will not need to institute a draft. Enough people will step up to defend our national interests – especially if there is an immediate threat to home turf.  If the war is not just enough for the people to get behind it, then we probably shouldn’t be getting into it in the first place. Right?

The Selective Service Act is nothing more than the draft on hold, and I believe it’s critical that we get this act repealed as soon as possible. Please contact your representatives and tell them to repeal the SSA. For the sake of all of our young men.






Here’s to the Heroes

Unfortunately, I didn’t get the inspiration for this in time to have it ready for the 4th, but that’s okay because I believe that freedom and sacrifice should be appreciated every day. To all the service men, women, and yes even canines….THANK YOU!