Time for a little peaceful revolution……..

My dad always said if you didn’t like something then either fix it or shut up complaining about it. Unfortunately, I can’t just “fix” our government – believe me, I wish I could.

However, WE the PEOPLE do have tools that we can use to remind the politicians who pays their paychecks. I’m suggesting we utilize one of the best methods of getting Big Brother’s attention….a strike. Please check out the FB group 9/11 Liberty Strike and join the revolution!

9/11 Liberty Strike FB Group 

Giving up rights….

Has anyone read the news story about the 4th grader in Jacksonville, FL who was told to write that he was willing to give up Constitutional rights in order to be safer?

I live in Jacksonville. I’m a parent. And I’m madder than hell over this. So mad, that I finally got off my ass and took action. If this irritates you half as much as it did me, take 2 minutes to watch this video and then please click the link below the video to sign the petition. Thanks.