Wake-up Call

I sat on this piece yesterday and put politics aside in honor of our military. Truth is, I was chomping at the bit to post it because of our military. Four men died in Benghazi because of the carelessness of our current administration. That alone is tragic, but the lies and the coverup that have followed have been a disgrace. This video stemmed from my frustration and anger over the whole situation, from the unnecessary deaths of our Americans in Benghazi to the shameful way the government has handled it.

Every issue noted in this video is legitimate and has been verified by the White House itself or reputable news agencies. Benghazi, SOPA, CISPA, ACTA, the AP news raid, the IRS targeting of conservatives, fast & furious (our government running guns to the Mexican drug cartels, not the movie!), drone use, Common Core, gun grabs, the true cost of Obamacare, and use of retina/fingerprint scanners on our school children….these are all issues that the American people should know about.

Wake up, America, and educate yourself. Demand answers. Hold this administration accountable for its promises and actions.

In honor of Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, and Glen Doherty.