Redefining the Lines

Every where you look today there’s a “special rights” group that is trying to change the rules of polite society. I’ve tried to be the good Christian and looked the other way – love the sinner while hating the sin. But you can’t do that, because just like errant children, when you give a “special rights” group an inch they will demand a mile. Give in to them in the slightest, and they want everything their way. So today I’m redefining the lines and suggesting ways for society to get back to some sense of sanity and decency. Let’s see how many special interest groups I can pee off in this one post……

Hate speech is an opinion and everyone is entitled to it. Really, this shouldn’t even be a part of our legal system today. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, regardless of how crass and upsetting it is. It is an opinion – deal with it! People have opinions about everybody and everything and it’s okay if some of those opinions are bad. They shouldn’t be crucified because they believe something. Opinions should be allowed as long as they aren’t acted on or single out a specific individual as a target. Society needs to drop the whole ‘politically correct’ crap and let people have their opinions without fear of being arrested for hate speech.

If you don’t mess with my right to believe in Christ then I won’t mess with your right to not believe. Seriously people! This country was founded on a belief in God and Christ. Therefore, it is the inherent right of the citizens of this country to openly believe in God and Christ. I’m sorry if you don’t believe that, but it is the truth – stop trying to change it. How would you like it if Christians demanded, based on the Constitution, that atheism be outlawed? By definition, atheism denies people their First Amendment rights. And guess what? You have no Constitutional rights in which to silence my beliefs because atheism – by its very definition – is not a religion but is instead a lack of religion.

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

This means that you are entitled to your opinion (as mentioned above), but to take God out of the history books rewrites the history of this nation; to take God of our money denies the foundation on which our banks were created; and to take God out of our government is to turn our backs on the very foundation of this nation.

Stop changing the definition of ‘normal’. This is where I really get to pee people off……GAY is NOT normal. TRANSGENDER is NOT normal. HOMOSEXUALITY is NOT normal. Stop trying to change the core values and beliefs that this country was founded on in order to make special interest groups feel better about themselves. News flash – they’re NOT normal!!!! And I’m not sprouting opinion here, I’m stating FACT. Research using FMRI scans has shown that LGBT individuals have different brain scans and even different brain structuring than other individuals. So…stop teaching kids that “alternative” lifestyles are normal. Stop insisting that we change society to cater to their needs. And guess what? Suing someone for not doing business with an LGBT individual because it violates their religion is a direct violation of the First Amendment and you, my friend, are guilty of religious discrimination. Does this mean that LGBT individuals don’t deserve to be protected from discrimination? Absolutely not. They deserve to be protected from discrimination just as people of a different color, a different sex, or with a mental illness deserve to be protected. Everyone deserves to be protected from discrimination and harm, but if society catered to every difference then there would be no normal and chaos would reign (which is pretty much where we almost are).

Quit rewriting history. The beliefs and doctrines that this nation was founded on are the only ones that should be taught to young children in the public education system. Teaching that these values are antiquated, outdated, or no longer pertinent undermines the value of this nation and everything that it stands for. If parents want to teach their children differently, they have the right to do so at their own expense. And while I’m ranting about public education, keep politics out of the classroom. I pulled my kids out of public school when my 3rd grader told me that if I didn’t vote a certain way in an upcoming election then the school’s funding would be cut and they wouldn’t get the new playground that everybody wanted. Kids are there to learn, not be used as pawns!

“Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” does not equal free handouts! Our Constitution guarantees you the right to live, to live free, and to live your life pursuing your desires. No where in the Constitution does it guarantee you free food, free housing, free money, free cell phones, or free health care. Those items are gifts….from tax payers who work hard to earn the money that the government then takes in order to provide you with those things. You’re dang right you should have to pass a drug test to be able to get them since the taxpayers had to pass a drug test to earn the money to provide them. And you know what? While beholden to the taxpayers you should not be able to vote. Patients do not get to vote on the managing of hospitals and consumers don’t get to vote on the managing of companies. If you are not contributing then you don’t get a say. There are exceptions to this – if you are retired or disabled then you should have unlimited access to resources and still be able to vote.

So there they are…..the lines redefined. Remember, it’s not hate speech. It’s my opinion and I’m entitled to it.

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