Ego-nazis and the downfall of society

The grades came out this week for schools in my state and I was not surprised to see that the number of successful schools had plummeted and the number of failing schools in my area had doubled.  Schools today are too bound by political correctness, and lawsuit-happy parents have created the rise of the Ego-Nazi.

The human mind and body are built to use challenge as growth. If you want to grow your muscles you challenge them, and through those challenges your muscles grow stronger and perform better. The human mind is no different. And that is where the problem with our education system comes in, because the “ego-nazis” in charge would rather pass a student than damage their sense of self-worth, or face the angry parent who would rather see their kid achieve without learning than turn a failure into an educational opportunity. Shame and regret can be powerful motivators when coupled with positive reinforcement, but kids today don’t know this because they’re sheltered from such negative emotions.

Bottom line, in order for a child to grow and become respectful, better human being they must be allowed to learn from their mistakes, to challenge the mental muscle and GROW. Without the negative emotions and the positive reinforcement that tells them they’re loved despite the fact that they screwed up, kids will grow into spoiled adults that have no ability to accept their own mistakes or any one else’s – which is why divorce rates are up, crime rates are up, unemployment is up, and overall happiness is down.

Kids need to learn…..and they need to learn both the good and the bad otherwise they’re incapable of dealing with the negative side of life. Ego-nazis who shelter kids from negative emotions are really just setting them up for a life of failure and frustration.

An ego-nazi is defined as: someone who places a person’s sense of self-worth and positive self-image as the highest priority, even if it is to the detriment of the person’s education and overall growth as an individual; known indicators of someone who has been exposed to an ego-nazi are the development of an “entitlement” attitude and an abhorrent disregard for authority.

Weighing in on the Zimmerman civil rights snitch line…..

I have been trying very, very hard to keep the whole Zimmerman/Martin drama out of my blog. Friends will tell you they see enough of it on my Facebook I figured I didn’t need to bombard them with it here, too. So….I am not going to sit here and tell you my opinions on the trial, who I thought was guilty, and whether I agree with the end result.

This is what I will tell you, though. The President of the United States had NO RIGHT to voice his support on one side or the other in a pending case, especially one that was racially charged and highly profiled by the media. The President SHOULD have taken a neutral stance, assured everyone that our court systems are fair and just, and to trust them in their review of the evidence and ultimate decision. By not remaining neutral, he made it very clear that no white, Asian, or Hispanic person would receive a fair and unbiased trial so long as he is in office. His continued pursuit of civil rights violations against Zimmerman is throwing additional fuel onto a fire that he helped start and is keeping burning, resulting in riots, civil unrest, and a widening divide between the black community and the rest of the country.

Therefore, when I heard that Obama had ordered the DOJ to open a civil rights violations tip line I decided to submit the following. If you feel as I do, please feel free to copy and submit for yourself.



We the People of the United States of America would like to report a civil rights violation.

The President of the United States, by failure to remain neutral in a politically and racially charged case highly profiled by the media, has violated the civil rights of every non-African American in the United States. By supporting ‘color’ in the case instead of supporting the court system and urging people to trust that justice will be served, the POTUS made it known to every citizen of the United States that he will always support his own race, regardless of what evidence and the court system show to be true.  This sends a very loud and clear message to that non-African Americans stand no chance of a fair and unbiased trial in the court system under the rule of President Barack Obama. The search for civil rights violations against George Zimmerman is further evidence of this. The courts found him not guilty based on factual evidence. The people found him not guilty based on our trust in the country’s justice system. The only people who found him guilty were the media, the African American community, and the current White House Administration.

Therefore, We the People of the United States of America would like to report a civil rights violation against….

Barack Hussein Obama

1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW

Washington, DC 20500


Thank you.


We the People of the United States of America


Here’s to the Heroes

Unfortunately, I didn’t get the inspiration for this in time to have it ready for the 4th, but that’s okay because I believe that freedom and sacrifice should be appreciated every day. To all the service men, women, and yes even canines….THANK YOU!