My tribute to Boston

This video holds two messages. First of all, to Boston – my love and prayers go out to you and those impacted by the senseless acts of tragedy that took place during the Boston Marathon and the chaos that ensued. Second, to those from other countries that sent their prayers and best wishes…..THANK YOU from a grateful American.

Project Constitution – Common Core

I have 3 kids, 2 of which spent their elementary school years in public schools. When my oldest child was in 4th grade she brought home math homework and I was STUNNED to see that she was working out of the SAME book that my 3rd grader was. I called the principal of the school to ask why my 4th grade student was doing 3rd grade work. The response I got?

“Some of the 4th graders were having trouble understanding the information so we scaled back the curriculum to make it easier for them.”


The following year my oldest child was in gifted classes. I picked her up from school one day and she was BAWLING. I asked her what was wrong and after much begging, pleading, and cajoling on my part to try to understand what was wrong I discovered that her teacher had called her a “freak” in front of the ENTIRE class because she was gifted. The teacher then refused to give her the homework assignment, saying “If you’re so smart you should be able to figure it out!”.

At this point I pulled my kids out of public school and they have been home-schooled (with the help of FLVS) ever since. Now my youngest is getting close to school age and my husband and I were trying to decide whether to trust the public school system with him. After doing research on Common Core we have decided that – should Florida adopt it – we will home-school the youngest as well and none of our children will ever again be in the public school system.

If you have children in a public school, I urge you ~ please ~ do your research about what your child is being taught. Are they contradicting at school the values you’re trying desperately to teach at home? Are they more concerned with how you vote than what your child learns? Pay attention. Ask questions.

And don’t forget that these are YOUR kids. You might be surprised to find that many in charge of education do not share your belief in this fact.


Why are the guns being picked on?

I saw a picture floating around Facebook the other day that said “Bombs kill people in the Boston Marathon and everyone blames the bomber. Children get shot in Sandy Hook and everybody blames guns.”  The picture succinctly nailed home the very point I’ve been railing on ever since Sandy Hook. It also inspired this video. Please take 2 minutes of your time and watch. It has good educational value backed by legitimate sources.

Giving up rights….

Has anyone read the news story about the 4th grader in Jacksonville, FL who was told to write that he was willing to give up Constitutional rights in order to be safer?

I live in Jacksonville. I’m a parent. And I’m madder than hell over this. So mad, that I finally got off my ass and took action. If this irritates you half as much as it did me, take 2 minutes to watch this video and then please click the link below the video to sign the petition. Thanks.